MISSION STATEMENT: The Mission of the Deaconess Ministry is to assist the Pastor and Deacon Ministry in the spiritual work of the church. We are laywomen commissioned to ministries of love and service. Consecrated by the church, we serve the congregation and the community in a variety of settings. We aid the Pastor and Deacons in areas so designated by them such as preparation of Communion, Baptism, Visiting the sick and shut-in, counseling, mentoring women, and evangelism. Affirmed of being called by God, committed to Christ, and dedicated to His commission, we strive to become fully, “Titus” women as written in Titus 2:3-5.
BRIEF HISTORY: The Bible gives early history of the organization of Deaconess. Although the word Deaconess does not appear in the Bible, it is a fact that women served in the church in various capacities during that era. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, second chapter, he spoke of the women who should pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting, who should adorn themselves in modest apparel. He further makes mention of Phoebe in his writings, who was a servant of the church in Cenchrea. The formal organization of Deaconesses in churches began in 1823.
CHAIRPERSON: Deaconess Minnie Lipsey
- Deaconess Rita Graham– Vice-Chair
- Deaconess Mary Nelson – Secretary
- Deaconess Dora Brooks – Treasurer
- Deaconess Mildred Bostic
- Deaconess Millicent Daughtry
- Deaconess Evelyn Donnelly
- Deaconess Diane Ellis
- Deaconess Mary Nelson
- Deaconess Sonova Holiday
- Deaconess Lorene Warthon
MEETING DATES AND TIMES: The Saturday before each third Sunday at 12:00.
- Deaconess Card Ministry
- Deaconess Prayer Ministry
- Deacon/Deaconess Fellowship
- Deaconess Minnie Lipsey
- Deaconess Rita Graham